Statement of Condolences regarding the terrorist massacre in France - 8 January 2015
From the Office of the IBSSA President
Issued: 8th January 2015 in Budapest, Hungary
It is with sad hearts that we must begin the year 2015 by imparting condolences upon the families of the slain journalists, French Citizens and fallen police officers, who lost their lives yesterday in a terrorist massacre at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in the City of Paris, France.
This type of loss is not only felt in the homes of the fallen, but throughout their country and across the world. As the sun rises today, we stand in mourning of the fact that twelve people, all who bore an unthinkable reality of today's society, are no longer with us to enjoy another dawn. And it is with that thought in mind, that we take a knee in solidarity with their families, their countrymen and the rest of civilized society, in proclaiming our stand against any and all acts of terrorism, regardless the identity of perpetrators involved.
As an organization whose foundation is built upon the protection of humanity does not go unnoticed by our international membership, that acts of terrorism are mounting around the globe. Be it known that each act of senseless violence, only serves to drive our conviction toward the preservation of life even further, propelling us toward our individual and organizational goal of a safer society.
I ask our membership and all those associated with the International Bodyguard & Security Services Association, to join me in offering our thoughts and prayers to the families, friends and colleagues left behind so suddenly in yesterday's tragedy. May they continue, undaunted, to battle for both free speech and enriching safer communities at home and abroad.
God Speed,
Prof. George Popper