Report on the IBSSA International Bodyguard Ball -2003 February 24th - Budapest

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On the 8th February 2003 IBSSA - in cooperation with St. George Public Security Foundation - organised a very successful and colourful Bodyguard Ball in Hotel Inter-Continental in Budapest / Hungary. IBSSA members and their relatives along with the representatives of the civil security sphere, police generals, high-ranking officers and also actors were invited to participate at the International Bodyguard Ball. With the organisation of the private event the R.B.Gy. PR Agency was entitled.


  • Prof. George POPPER, G.C.K.M. - Executive President of IBSSA

Honorary guests

  • Mr. Gyula HORN - former Prime Minister of Hungary
  • Dr. Béla BLASKÓ, police general - Chief of the Hungarian Police Academy
  • Dr. István KOMÁROMI - police general
  • Mr. Tony SCHIENA - USA / Netherlands - movie star and 3-times Karate World Champion
  • Mr. John DORA (GBR) - Chief security advisor of Royal family in Saudi Arabia, Morocco and other Arabic countries

More than 220 participants from 9 countries of 3 continents - Austria, Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, the USA and Yugoslavia - were present at this event. Beside all Hungarian IBSSA leaders and big company leaders many Hungarian and foreign high police officers (generals, colonels) - for example the Chief of the Hungarian Police Academy - , Chief instructors of Special Police Forces, leading international businessmen, security experts, famous actors and singers and also politicians honoured the ball.

All the guests had champagne for welcome drink, a 3 course dinner, Transylvanian cabbage offered at midnight, and during the night the waiters were at our disposal to serve us with drinks. The event was planned to end at 2 am, however it was prolonged with more than an hour. The organisers have invited one of the most popular bands called "Netti és a Hollander Zenekar" who after the years 2000 and 2001 will continue to entertain the audience of the Opera Ball, just as well as the audiences of the Journalist and the Foreign Affairs Balls in Hungary. All artists were a very pleasant surprise for the guests especially the fabulous singer Mr. Lasse SAGEN (NOR), who has just arrived back from Las Vegas and dazzled the audience with his voice.

The Old Fashioned Photograph Show was the most favoured one among our guests during the evening. They were photographed with a machine made of wood from 1890. The ready - made pictures reminded us to our grand parents time with their brownish background and black frame. The guests could choose among a great number of costumes from the turn of the century and received one of the most popular presents of the ball-period, the "Old Fashioned Photo" of themselves. The Photo Show operated from the end of the dinner till the end of the Ball.

Mr. Tamás KUTALIK (HUN) - Regional Representative of IBSSA for Eastern Hungary and Instructor was awarded "The best Instructor of Armed guards". The Diploma was presented him by Prof. George POPPER, GCKM - Executive President of IBSSA and Dr. Ferenc TÓTH - Country Representative of IBSSA for Hungary.

Dr. György LASZ (HUN) - Chairman of Event Security Department of IBSSA and President of IN - KAL Security Co. - offered a special prize for drawing. The lot fell upon a guest from New York / USA, who transferred it to his Hungarian host Mr. Tamás KUTALIK. The special award was handed over by Mr. László IHÁSZ - Bodyguard of the Year 2002 (In - Kal Security Co.), which means the winner will be protected for 1 day on the highest level as a VIP (like Ministers, or even Kings are protected) by professional bodyguards, extraordinary cars, and all the necessary equipment.

IBSSA would like to express its special thanks and congratulation to Mr. György B. RÓZSA - Owner of R.B.Gy PR Agency - for the successful organisation of this event.

24th February 2003, Budapest