"Security and protocol" (2003 February 19-Budapest)


The first Hungarian Protocol Championships was held on the 19th February 2003 at the new Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal - Budapest. 17 teams and 10 individual competitors were representing in the final high-level schools of tourism and gastronomy.

It is obvious that the people in charge of security and protocol must work close together at every event or delegation program. This is why IBSSA was patronising this Championships and offered a special award as well to "The most elegant team". The IBSSA Award was won by the team of József Nádor School of Budapest, who became winners also at the individual competition and won the third place in team. The teacher of the team is Dr. Anna POPPER - Chairman of Event Management and Protocol Department of IBSSA.

The IBSSA Award was handed over to the winners by the Executive President of the Association.

28th February 2003, Budapest