HQ News IDPA European Championships 8 - 9 November 2003, Brescia / ITALY


IDPA European Championships 8 - 9
November 2003, Brescia / ITALY

We are very pleased to inform all IBSSA members that the International
Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) Europe - in accordance with Mr. Roberto
AMADINI - Italian I.D.P.A. Area Coordinator - organised the IDPA EUROPEAN
CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH between 8 - 9 November 2003 at the Shooting Range
in Mazzano (BRESCIA) / ITALY.

Because of the great number of applicants and short time only the first
150 shooters in order of inscription were allowed to participate; it
was reserved only to registered IDPA shooters, classified Marksman or
superior. During the Championships the contestants had to fulfil 10 stages,
developed during one day of the weekend, with 150 rounds totals.

Mr. Roberto GOBBI (ITA) - Member of VIP Protection and Security Department
of IBSSA and IBSSA Master Teacher also attended the event and became
Vice European Champion, only for a handful of points in the Law Enforcement


Saturday 8th November 2003

  • 07.30 Shooters Registration
  • 08.30 Briefing Match Director - start match
  • 12.30 - 13.30 Break for lunch
  • 16.30 End match

Sunday 9th November 2003

  • 07.30 Shooters Registration
  • 08.30 Briefing Match Director - start match
  • 12.30 - 13.30 Break for lunch
  • 16.30 End match

Verify list - Awards


  • Rule Book IDPA 2002 - Division, Class, Prizes and Awards - as IDPA

IBSSA Headquarters would like to take the opportunity and congratulate
Mr. Roberto GOBBI for the successful competition and the achieved great

10th November 2003, Budapest