Report on the Conferring Ceremony of the International Knightly Order of St. George 28th May 2005, Rochester / Kent - UNITED KINGDOM


As a result of the more and more successful cooperation between IBSSA and the International Knightly Order of St. George, the Order has today among its knights approximately 50 knights from 10 countries, who are IBSSA members.

Other achievement of this collaboration is, that a high-level cooperation began also between the International Knightly Order of St. George and the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of Autonomous Priories, which had a significant event, when the leadership of Knights of Malta was invited to attend the Knight Ceremony of the International Knightly Order of St. George in Rochester.

Beyond the English knights and dames of course numerous knights of St. George were present from Hungary, Austria, Romania, Poland, Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, USA and other countries.

During the public Investiture HE Major General Dr János v KARÁSZY-KULIN MVO GCStG GCLJ HonLLD HonHLD - Grand Master of the International Knightly Order of St. George awarded the following high-ranking people:

  • His Beatitude Dom Lorenzo - Regent of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of Autonomous Priories      lifetime Great - Grand Cross
  • Sir George Popper, GCKM - Governor            lifetime Great - Grand Cross
  • HRH Prince Michael Stewart of Albany           Knight Grand Cross
  • Lady Anna Popper                                     Dame Grand Cross
  • Sir Eric van de Wall - Minister of the Order    Honour of Merit

as a form of recognition for significant contributions to national life.

Sir Eric Van de WALL was given a Letter of Credence in order to organise the Dutch Priory of the International Knightly Order of St. George.

The personal deputy of Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth read and brought the greeting and felicitation of the Queen.

His Beatitude Dom Lorenzo invited Grand Master Dr. Karászy-Kulin and his wife to attend the forthcoming Knight Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta.

During the official lunch after the ceremony HRH Prince Michael and Prof. George Popper handed over lifetime Honorary Membership diploma, plaque and ID-card of IBSSA to Grand Master Dr. Karászy-Kulin.


16th June 2005